[12] “Gender Stereotypes and Petty Corruption among Street-level Bureaucrats: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment" Forthcoming at Research & Politics (with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras).
[11] “How Does Clarity of Alternatives Affect the Electoral Fortune of Corrupt Politicians?” Electoral Studies 77 (2022).
[10] “Who Does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behaviors.” Politics & Gender (2022): 1-29. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[9] “Choosing the Lesser Evil: Forecasting Presidential Elections in Peru” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 2022: 1-26. With Moises Arce.
[8] “Does Issue Framing Shape Support for COVID-19 Lockdown Measures?” Research & Politics, 2021, 8(2). With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[7] “A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measures” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2021, 13(3): 358-375. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[6] “The politics of building anti-corruption institutions: The case of anti-corruption agencies in Peru." In The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, pp. 71-91. Routledge, 2021. (with Joseph Pozsgai).
[5] "Accepting or Resisting? Citizen Responses to Corruption Across Varying Levels of Competence and Corruption Prevalence." (2020) Political Studies, 2020;68(3):653-670.
[4] "Do Corrupt Politicians Mobilize or Demobilize Voters? A Vignette Experiment in Colombia." Latin American Politics and Society 60, no. 3 (2018) 77-95. With Miguel Carreras.
[3] “Portfolio Allocation and Cabinet Design Strategies in Peru.” In: Martinez-Gallardo, Cecilia and Marcelo Camerlo (eds.) Government Formation and Minister Turnover in Presidential Cabinets: Comparative Analysis in the Americas. Routledge, 2017. (with Miguel Carreras).
[2] "Ecuador: Democracia después de nueve años de la Revolución Ciudadana de Rafael Correa." (2016) [Ecuador: Democracy after nine years of Rafael Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution.] Revista de Ciencia Política, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2016: 347-365. With Santiago Llanos-Escobar.
[1] Voces del Cambio en el Sector No Estatal Cubano. Iberoamericana, 2016. With Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Roberto Veiga Gonzalez, Lenier Gonzalez Mederos, and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán. Translated in English as: Voices of Change in Cuba from the Non-State Sector. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018.
[12] “Gender Stereotypes and Petty Corruption among Street-level Bureaucrats: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment" Forthcoming at Research & Politics (with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras).
[11] “How Does Clarity of Alternatives Affect the Electoral Fortune of Corrupt Politicians?” Electoral Studies 77 (2022).
[10] “Who Does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behaviors.” Politics & Gender (2022): 1-29. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[9] “Choosing the Lesser Evil: Forecasting Presidential Elections in Peru” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 2022: 1-26. With Moises Arce.
[8] “Does Issue Framing Shape Support for COVID-19 Lockdown Measures?” Research & Politics, 2021, 8(2). With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[7] “A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measures” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2021, 13(3): 358-375. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras.
[6] “The politics of building anti-corruption institutions: The case of anti-corruption agencies in Peru." In The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, pp. 71-91. Routledge, 2021. (with Joseph Pozsgai).
[5] "Accepting or Resisting? Citizen Responses to Corruption Across Varying Levels of Competence and Corruption Prevalence." (2020) Political Studies, 2020;68(3):653-670.
[4] "Do Corrupt Politicians Mobilize or Demobilize Voters? A Vignette Experiment in Colombia." Latin American Politics and Society 60, no. 3 (2018) 77-95. With Miguel Carreras.
[3] “Portfolio Allocation and Cabinet Design Strategies in Peru.” In: Martinez-Gallardo, Cecilia and Marcelo Camerlo (eds.) Government Formation and Minister Turnover in Presidential Cabinets: Comparative Analysis in the Americas. Routledge, 2017. (with Miguel Carreras).
[2] "Ecuador: Democracia después de nueve años de la Revolución Ciudadana de Rafael Correa." (2016) [Ecuador: Democracy after nine years of Rafael Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution.] Revista de Ciencia Política, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2016: 347-365. With Santiago Llanos-Escobar.
[1] Voces del Cambio en el Sector No Estatal Cubano. Iberoamericana, 2016. With Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Roberto Veiga Gonzalez, Lenier Gonzalez Mederos, and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán. Translated in English as: Voices of Change in Cuba from the Non-State Sector. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018.
Work in Progress
“Money and Time in the Access to Public Services: How do Citizens Evaluate Different Forms of Bureaucratic Corruption?” (with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras).
“Corruption, Partisanship, and Voting: A Survey Experiment during the Brazilian Presidential Election.” (with Leslie Schwindt-Bayer and Emily Elia).
“Cleaning up Politics: Anticorruption Appeals in Electoral Campaigns”
“How to Get Away with Corruption? Blame Avoidance Strategies in Electoral Campaigns.” (with Nara Pavão).
“Protest Policing and Support for Police Use of Force in Latin America”
“Democratic Elections, Xenophobia, and Anti-Immigrant Violence” (with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras).
“Immigration and Punitive Responses to Criminal Violence” (with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras).